24 Black Friday - Cyber monday sale!!
Save 15% off your order over $45 by using promo code: BF/CM15 at checkout. All orders placed this week until Midnight Monday the 28th will be entered in our prize pack giveaway. The prize pack includes one of our KeyMags, one stainless steel Griffin pocket tool, one Berg Blades Bottle Butcher and a 30 oz. Mossy Oak Stainless Steel insulated tumbler in black with our logo. Good luck and Carry On!
We have added the Smith & Wesson 66 revolver 4.25" barrel to our pistol mold options!!Oct
28 New Kydex option added!
We have just added Killer Coyote Carbon Fiber to our Kydex options!!
24 Here we grow again!!
We have added Kryptek Altitude to our kydex print options! We have also added the new Ruger LCP2 and the Chiappa Rhino 2" and 4" models to our mold lineup!!
by Jon Keller
, under
chiappa chiappa holster chiappa rhino chiappa rhino holster lcp 2 lcp2 rhino rhino holster ruger ruger lcp 2 ruger lcp2
08 New Kydex print!!
We have added Rustic Leather to our custom printed Kydex options!!
16 NEW Kydex choice!!!
We are introducing the NEW Basket Weave Black Kydex to our options!! Check it out on our Facebook and Instagram accounts!!
07 NEW mold and colors!!
We have added the Sig Sauer P229 with rail mold to our lineup. We have also added EMT Red Carbon Fiber and Storm Grey Carbon Fiber to our kydex color options.
05 Yeah, thats right we are adding more colors!!!
We have just added three new carbon fiber colors to our lineup! Tiffany Blue, Hunter Orange and Zombie Green Carbon Fiber!! Get them while they are HOT!!!
by Jon Keller
, under
hunter orange carbon fiber tiffany blue carbon fiber zombie green carbon fiber
28 NEW molds and kydex print added!!
We have added the H&K P30 and P30SK to our mold lineup. We also added Hexcam Wasteland 7 printed kydex to our inventory!!
by Jon Keller
24 New mold and print patterns added!!
We have added the Springfield Armory XDM 4.5" to our mold line up. We have also added 4 new Kydex prints! 6 color camo digital on dessert tan, Artic storm camo on white, Army digital flag on dessert tan and Dark earth flag camo. You can check these new prints out on our Facebook page or Instagram!!
by Jon Keller